Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Straight Asian Man Magazine?

A new Asian American men's magazine, SAM, is having their launch party this Saturday, in case anyone is interested in going.

I am intrigued by what SAM stands for. I couldn't find anything about this on their website, but the first thing that crossed my mind was Straight Asian Man. The website seems to only show half-naked women, so that might make sense.

Or it can just be named after the publisher/editor, Samuel Choae (an AsianWeek article on Choae).

I emailed them with this question...hopefully I'll get a response. If anybody knows the answer, please let me know.

Edit: So it stands for Successful Alpha Male, according to the AsianWeek article. Maybe I should start reading the things I link to...thanks Anonymous!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Asian Week article says it stands for Successful Alpha Male.

1:05 PM  

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