Sunday, November 20, 2005

Racism and Organ Transplant

From Newsweek:

UNOS [United Network for Organ Sharing] admits the disparity is a problem, but denies racism. "I don't believe the transplant system is racist," says Dr. Carlton Young, chair of the group's minority-affairs committee. "It's an issue of American medicine and the biases that have always existed there."

It seems a bit scary that the chair of minority affairs does not see the connection between bias and racism. Isn't the most basic definition of racism people of different races being treated differently because of their race? Dr. Young acknowledges that these biases are causing disparate how can he then turn around and say this is not racism? Maybe he is being quoted out of context. But still. Gosh.

On another note, as usual the article fails to mention Asians/Asian Americans.

Read the full article here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

perhaps we should talk about asian americans in the POC movement. what's up with needing to demand to be mentioned...where is it coming from...from who/what are we truly carving our identity out from or against?
from, the person that likes to say perhaps we should talk about

7:42 PM  

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